Paradise Isle

Paradise Isle
Year: 1937

Play time: 73 min

Film genre: Adventure,Drama,Music

Rating: Users rated this 4.3/10 (22 votes)

Directed – Directed by Arthur Greville Collins. With Movita, Warren Hull, William B. Davidson, John St. Polis. A blind artist is on his way to Java to see a doctor about an operation to restore his sight when the ship sinks and he washes up on a tropical island. A native girl finds him and begins to nurse him back to health. However, the girl’s boyfriend wants the artist out of the picture so he can have her to himself, and the only other white man on the island also wants the artist out or the picture so…

What About movie – A blind artist is on his way to Java to see a doctor about an operation to restore his sight when the ship sinks and he washes up on a tropical island. A native girl finds him and begins to nurse him back to health. However, the girl’s boyfriend wants the artist out of the picture so he can have her to himself, and the only other white man on the island also wants the artist out or the picture so he can cheat the girl out of her prized possession, a large black pearl.

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Downloadable and watch Paradise Isle in hd, dvdrip, hd 1080p. Downloadable and watch Paradise Isle in hd, dvdrip, hd 1080p.

Downloadable and watch Paradise Isle in hd, dvdrip, hd 1080p.

Popular reviews the film “Paradise Isle”:

4/10 voted in 68729 users

The film begins on a small Polynesian island where Movita lives alongwith her people. A White guy (Warren Hull) washes up on the beach andshe nurses him back to health. Once he regained his strength, she findsout he was on a ship that wrecked that was taking him to see a doctorabout an operation to restore his sight, though Movita is thrilled tokeep him whether he’s blind or not. Unfortunately, a young islanderloves her and wants her new boyfriend to go, so he makes a dangerousvoyage in a small boat to other islands to try and find this doctor. Inthe meantime, the only other White man on the island is a dirt-bag thatdecides to pretend to have the doctor to cheat Movita out of her mostdesirable treasure–a huge black pearl. After cheating her and givingHull false hope, all is not lost as the real doctor shows and operates.But will Hull stay behind or abandon his loyal Movita? Watch this filmand see for yourself.This is a very capably done movie by poverty row studio, Monogram.Considering how cheap the productions generally were, this is a verygood Monogram film. However, being not especially interesting orcompelling, it’s nothing more than a time-passer that has lapsed intothe public domain.

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